This is a list of equipment and resources we use in the clinic, if you would like to purchase any. We are not affiliated with any of these companies or products, and this list is a suggestion of products we like and use ourselves.
This is a universal brace for the CMC (Carpometacarpal) joint of the thumb. It can work on the left or right hand.
This is a miniature massage gun, for targeting tight muscles and fascia in the hands and wrists.
Kinesiotape is used to provide extra support and improve bloodflow in the targeted area. Your therapist may tape you after a session with us, but they may also recommend that you reapply tape on your own between sessions. This version is latex free, so it is safe for those with allergies.
Ice Pack
Icing is recommended to manage pain and swelling, especially right after an injury, trauma, or surgery. Never ice for more than 15 minutes at a time, to avoid damage to skin and soft tissues.
Moist heat improves blood flow and relaxes stiff muscles. It can relieve pain and improve range of motion. This hot pack is microwaveable and the same one we use in the clinic. Never apply heat for more than 30 minutes at a time, and follow package instructions to avoid overheating.
Therapy putty comes in multiple densities to grade resistance level, and this set has four different kinds. Your therapist will show you exercises in the clinic to do with the putty.
This is a 4-pack of stress cubes filled with a dense gel. They are lower resistance than the putty, and can be used for grip and finger strengthening.